2023 Spring Crank Up! & Barn Quilt Drawing



To All Our Friends

That came out to support
Ag Heritage Park
on such a cold, rainy day!

We appreciate the exhibitors that
shared their pride and joy;
as well as driving in the Parade of Power.

A big THANK YOU to those
that purchased barn quilt tickets -
we appreciate you so much!
The winner was
Donna Crosby, Manhattan

Charlotte Zimmerman watches as
her brother, Samuel, draws the winning
ticket for the barn quilt!

We enjoyed the fellowship
and thank you for donations for food

Spring Crank Up! Tractor Show
Parade of Power

Kirby Zimmerman, Alta Vista, and
Ag Heritage Park Vice President drives his
Super M in the Parade of Power.

Kevin Hill, Alta Vista, and Ag Heritage Park Board Member,
 drives the 1947 Farmall Cub in the Parade of Power.
Kevin recently restored the tractor for Kirby Zimmerman.
This tractor belonged to Kirby's Father-in-law, Earl Peterson, Keats.

Jack Mayfield, Scranton, drives his
1949 Allis Chalmers CA

Lyle Lafferty's 1950 IH C
Joins the Parade of Power

Richard Stahl, Dwight, drives a
1980 Scout Terra Diesel

Bruce Funk, North Newton, brought his
1959 John Deere 430C Dozer

Randy Edmunds, Allen drove his
Allis-Chalmers D17
in the Spring Crank Up! Parade of Power

Matt Easton, Ag Heritage Park Board Member,
drives his Great-Grandfather John E. Olson's
520 John Deere
This tractor is on display at the Park.

Carl Larson, Leonardville,
made these miniature tractors.
International 1256 & John Deere A

Jim Furney, Alta Vista, drives a
1963 Allis-Chalmers D-15 Series II
in the Parade of Power

Glen Pitts, Council Grove drove his
1951 JD B in the Parade of Power

Buy Tickets Here!!!!

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