I-H Club Visits AHP

 I-H Collector's Club

Kansas Chapter #3

Meets At Ag Heritage Park

Nearly 40 members of the I-H Collector's Club, Kansas Chapter #3,

attended their meeting held at Ag Heritage Park on Saturday, April 24, 2021.

Besides the meeting those attending enjoyed a catered meal and time to

"step back in time" visiting the exhibits of the Park.

Open By Appointment

 We will miss seeing you tomorrow

Saturday, April 17th


Spring Crank Up! Tractor Show

has been cancelled for 2021 due to Covid.

"Step Back In Time"

Ag Heritage Park

is open by appointment

Stay tuned for events to come



Happy Easter!
from Ag Heritage Park

Thank you to Kevin Hill for his beautiful flower art
decorating the flower pots.

Ag Heritage Park
is open 
by appointment!