Thank You
To All That
Participated In Old Settler's Day
Ag Heritage Park!

AHP Founder, Hazel Zimmerman, enjoyed visiting with many friends
and family, including Judy and Larry Sorenson. She enjoyed
sharing cake in honor of her 85th birthday,
and reminiscing about the Park history since opening October, 1999.

Ag Heritage Park appreciates the support shown by those
that enjoyed the goodies and snacks provided.

The morning allowed time for visiting at Ag Heritage Park.

Lori Glessner, Alta Vista, was the winner of the barn quilt,
"Sunflower Surprise," when her ticket was drawn at 3:30.
Thank you to all that supported Ag Heritage Park
with your ticket donations!

Thank you to all that joined Ag Heritage Park
in the traditional
Old Settler's Day Parade!

Thank you Cindy for demonstrating "barn quilting!"

Ag Heritage Park
was able to do the corn picking demonstrations
as planned at the corn field although rain cut the
event short about 4:00. A big thank you to all
that helped make the demonstrations possible.

Plans For Saturday!

We are preparing for corn picking day on Saturday. If rain prevents us from being in the field picking corn, we will still be demonstrating A husker shredder, corn sheller, and horse-powered ear corn grinder. We will also be demonstrating barn block painting throughout the day. We will once again be selling tickets for a chance to win a 4x4 barn block, "Sunflower Chance". Tickets are 1 for $3, 2 for $5, 6 for $10. There will also be cake and coffee to celebrate Hazel Zimmerman's 85th birthday from 9:30-10:00. Hope to see you there!

"Sunflower Chance"
4' x 4'

Barn Quilt Drawing

Saturday, September 24, 2016

3:30 p.m. -  Drawing for a 4' x 4' Barn Quilt

Tickets are available on-site or by mail
(do not have to be present to win)
Tickets: 1 for $3.00, 2 for $5.00, 6 for $10.00
Ticket sales benefit Ag Heritage Park
To purchase tickets by mail please make checks payable to:
Ag Heritage Park
and mail to:
Ag Heritage Park
c/o 1128 D Avenue, Alta Vista KS 66834