Old Settlers Day
Alta Vista, Kansas
Saturday September 26, 2015
7:30am *Registration
for 5K run/walk at the Park
8:00am *5K
run/walk race begins
8:00am *Vendor
Market, Antiques & Crafts at the Park
9:30am *Ron
Schultz & Friends Jam Session at Ag
Heritage Park
*Barn quilt painting demonstration*
10:00am *Model
Trains on display by MARJ Club at the Baptist Church annex
10:30am *Line
up for the downtown parade south end of Main Street
11:00am *Parade
downtown begins
11:30am *Lunch Served at the Park by the Alta Vista Chamber of Commerce
with cookies & drinks provided by the
Alta Vista State Bank
*Homemade Ice
cream sponsored by the Masonic Lodge
***Ft. Riley Band entertainment***
12:00pm *Rock
climbing wall & inflatables (12-3pm at the park)
Display (at the park)
12:30pm *Kids
games at the park
1:00pm *Horseshoes
at the park, Coordinator: Bill Unruh
1:00pm *Registration
for Peddle Pull – at basketball court
1:30pm *Peddle
Pull begins*
*Old Fashioned Corn Picking
demonstration presented by Ag Heritage Park
***South of the
hwy 4 & Main Street intersection***
4:00pm *Drawing
for 4’x4’ barn quilt at Ag Heritage Park
7:00pm *Alumni Banquet at PHMS for Alta Vista High
School Graduates
8:00pm *Call
it a Night Band Entertainment at The Local